Thursday, February 10, 2011 Calls Out Obama

During the underwhelming Super Bowl 45 Half Time Show, decided to call out President Obama. I know many musicians in the past have raised political awareness and they are able to pull it off; however, I am quite bitter about's comments on Barack Obama.

Here is some history between and Barack Obama.

During the great Presidential Election of 2008, created a YouTube video endorsing then Senator Obama for the presidential seat. The video even won an Emmy Award for Best New Approaches in Daytime Entertainment.

According to the Huffington Post, said he created the viral video because he became inspired by Obama's "Yes We Can Speech". Before the speech, claimed to have no interest in politics because the political world is "unfair, backwards, upside down, unbalanced, untruthful,corrupt" et cetera, et cetera. (You can read the entire article here: Why I Recorded Yes We Can)

Sometime between early 2008 and February 6, 2011 something went wrong and made frustrated yet again with politics. His frustration led him to say the following to President Obama during the Super Bowl 45 Half Time Show:

"In America we need to get things straight / Obama, let's get these kids educated / Create jobs so the country stays stimulated."

First off, I don't think Obama heard's shout out because he was asleep like the rest of us during The Black Eyed Peas performance.

Secondly, has never heard of JFK's famous Inaugural Address where he cites, "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."

With this in mind one has to ask, "What is doing for his country?"

What is doing about getting "these kids educated"? He created a scholarship named the "I Am Scholarship" which is granted to financially challenged students who pursue a career in Film, Television, Journalism, Computer Science, and New Media. How are jobs in these areas going to help stimulate the economy?

If really wants to get "kids educated" and "create jobs so the country stays stimulated" then he needs to be the change.

His scholarship should not support Computer Science and New Media since those jobs are being outsourced. Journalism is beginning to be a thing of the past now since bloggers are taking over the media outlets. Film and television? Really?

His scholarship should support future leaders of America such as Business Majors, Political Science Majors, Sociologists (you know I had to), and most importantly... teachers! Why teachers? Because teachers get the "kids educated". And those educated kids will create jobs.

Business kids will create business. Political Science kids would lead the nation into the future. Sociologists will help make sense of the world and help eliminate social problems. Teachers will educate the future generation and will focus more about economy in order for the future generations to avoid the mess we are in right now.

Since called out Obama, I think it's only fair for me to call out

"Yo! Check it! You got to get these kids educated in the right direction. Don't lead them down the dark path of economic recession. You got to be the change for the future nation in order to avoid potential hard times and devastation."

Holla at cha boy.

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